Glendale Education


Cultivating Character through UNSDGs

At Glendale, our twin focus is on cultivating Character and Competence. Our Director-Education, Dr. Anjum Babukhan was the only participant from the entire sub continent to attend Harvard University’s Think Tank on Global Education in 2017 where integration of the UN SDGs were encouraged to be introduced in schools, worldwide. Within 10 days of returning from Harvard, the UN SDGs were mapped across our objectives and seamlessly incorporated into the curriculum. On record, Glendale was the first institution in India to introduce UN SDGs within its school system championing the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals!

UNSDGs help in achieving our objective “learning for life not just school”, to sow the seeds of character in students where they not only learn about the world around them but also help make it a more sustainable and better world to inhabit.

Our work on the UNSDGs has been featured in Forbes magazine.

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