Glendale Education


A Globally Relevant Curriculum

Through a gamut of curriculum options, Glendale Academy provides students plethora of opportunities to develop and evaluate their problem solving, critical thinking, and creativity – competences that have been identified by the World Economic Forum as most useful for the coming years. Our school adheres strongly to the philosophies of Multiple Intelligence and Brain Compatible Learning, among others, and we follow world renowned curricula that suit students with various future academic plans.

Glendale Early Childhood Education focuses on providing an environment full of learning spaces that are nurturing spaces for MI and BCL. At this young age, the brain develops most rapidly and the foundations for thinking, language, perception, reasoning, aptitudes and attitudes are established. For optimal development, appropriate exposure and enrichment is required.

With an eclectic blend of Montessori, Waldorf & Multiple intelligence pedagogy, we have created a learning environment that is developmentally appropriate.

Brain Gym Activities

These are practiced with the students for stimulation of brain, particularly the functioning of the frontal lobes.
  • Cross Crawl
  • Number 8
  • Draw with non-dominant hand
  • Brain Buttons
  • Hook ups
  • Memory games
  • Games & Puzzles
  • Nesting and block pattern toys

Physical Domain

We aim to speed up development of gross motor skills, fine motor dexterity, spatial awareness and endurance of children through structured and unstructured exploration in a safe environment and focusing on physical exploration.
  • Adventure Playground
  • Obstacles Course
  • Bodily Kinesthetic
  • Aqua Play area
  • Yoga/Dance/Karate/Dramatics/Life skills
  • Play gym and Treasure hunts
  • Balancing beams
  • Obstacle races
  • Splash pools
  • Sand pit

Emotional / Social Factors

A child at this point requires for nurturing support, guidance, care and social opportunities. We focus on developing awareness about the socially relevant rules & behaviors. The first friendships and experiences of playing together take place in this age and we provide an environment that:
  • Promotes social development through respectful, clear communication and safe, natural consequences
  • RRC
  • Provides care and support from multiple adults that the child is exposed to
  • Circle time/Conversation and Interaction at the beginning of the day
  • Develops the sense of belonging (Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs)
  • Communication, language, and literacy – initiative like Birthday book donation
  • Child is given classroom responsibilities on rotation
  • Making class projects collectively on a particular topic
  • Making learning more interesting by playing various games and tapping individual talent
  • Peer leadership skills in reading out the stories one by one with pictures display

World Class Pedagogy

At Glendale, we use world renowned teaching methodologies to ensure children are engaged while learning. The methodologies we use include:
  • Montessori School ” Help me do it myself stage”:
    A stage where the child demonstrates a natural (and often intense) desire to make choices for themselves and to accomplish tasks independently
  • Waldorf’s School ” The world is good stage”
    A stage at which the child explores the physical, social and inner world through walking, talking and thinking
  • Jean Piaget’s Cognitive Skills( Pre- Operational Stage)
    At this stage toddlers use symbols to represent their earlier sensory -motor discoveries, development of language takes place also the symbolic thinking improves, and intuitive thoughts begin.
  • Erik Erickson’s Psycho-Social Skills (Initiative vs Guilt)
    At this stage the child is discovering ways to take initiative with one’s actions. However, sometimes the child may experience guilt due to the negative results of actions
  • Lev Vygotsky Social Cultural ( Assisted Discovery)
    At this stage the child develops rapid growth in language and broadens his/her ability to participate in social communication. The child starts to speak to themselves for self-guidance and self-direction. Verbal guidance from teachers and peer collaborations are vitally important

    Children also learn customs, rituals and rules from adults.


Glendale always has an eclectic approach of best practices of National and International boards. With the upgradation of English Textbooks Glendale Primary has a Standard Global Curriculum from April 2017.


1. Lesson Planning, its delivery, assessment and evaluation has been drawn from the best practices.

2. Until grade 5 we are not exam driven

3. Students are given exploratory, enriching experience in a comfortable environment with BCL, MI and Waldorf methodology

4. End of Grade 5 parents choose between CIE or CBSE for their child’s Grade 6

5. Checkpoint in 2017 will be for 2 sections of Grade 6 under Shams and after that only in Grade 8

6. All books continue to be same in Grades  1- 5 with Hodder Cambridge being introduced this year.

7. Standard of English is  2 notches above the present English text book


Followed by thousands of schools in India, CBSE is one of the most reputable curricula. CBSE is a launchpad for further education in India as it prepares students at the plus 2 stage for competitive exams at the national level.


Cambridge Assessment International Education (CAIE) follow the CIE syllabus which offers a wide choice of subjects to students. Students can choose a combination of subjects across Science, Commerce & Humanities. It is a world-renowned curriculum and widely accepted across the world. Good ‘A’ level grades can result in upto one full year of credit given by universities, which is an added bonus for students applying to study abroad.

For the purpose of fostering core competences in learners, the curriculum encompasses seven major learning area, which are: Languages, Humanities, Mathematics , Science, Commerce, Health and Physical Education, Visual arts, Performing arts and contemporary subjects introduced in the last decade such as Entrepreneurship, Biotechnology, Fashion Studies, Creative Writing and Translation Studies, Mass Media Studies and Knowledge Traditions and Practices of India.

Scheme of Studies & Subjects:

The learning areas will include

1. English Core
2. Four Electives
3. General Studies
4. Work Experience
5. Physical Education
Group A (Science Stream) Group B (Commerce Stream) Group C (Humanities Stream)
Elective 1
Mathematics / Biology / Applied Mathematics
Entrepreneurship / Applied Mathematics
Psychology / Legal Studies/ Physical Education / Applied Mathematics /Sociology/Painting
Elective 2
History / Geography /Psychology Home Science/ Painting / Physical Education/Home Science
Elective 3
Business Studies
Political Science / Fashion Studies (SB) / Painting / Physical Education / Home Science
Elective 4
Computer Science / Economics / Physical Education / Mass Media Studies(SB) / Home Science / Mathematics / Engineering Graphics / Psychology / Applied Mathematics / Food Nutrition & Dietetics (SB) / Painting / Biology

Scheme of Examinations:

  • The Scheme of Examinations and Pass Criteria for All India/ Delhi Senior School Certificate Examination conducted by the Board shall be as laid down from time to time.
  • Class XI examination shall be based on the syllabi as prescribed by the Board for Class XII from time to time.
  • Board will conduct the external examinations at the end of class XII.
  • Class XII examination will be based on the syllabi as prescribed by the Board for Class XII From time to time.
  • Number of papers, duration of examination and marks for each subject/paper will be as specified in the curriculum for the year.
  • The examination would be conducted in theory as well as in practical. Depending upon the nature of the subject(s) and the marks/grades allotted shall be as prescribed in the curriculum.
  • Marks/grades shall be awarded for individual subjects and the aggregate marks shall not be given.


  • Assessment of theory/practical papers in external subjects shall be in numerical scores. In addition to numerical scores , the Board shall indicate grade in the mark sheets issued to the candidates in case of subjects of external examination. In case of internal assessment subjects, only grade shall be shown.
  • Letter grades on a nine-point scale shall be used.
  • The grades shall be derived from scores in case of subjects of external examinations. In case of subjects of internal assessment, the school shall award these grades.
  • The qualifying marks in each subjects of external examination shall be 33% marks in the theory and 33% in practicals. However, in a subject involving practical work, a candidate must obtain 33% marks in the theory and 33% marks in the practical separately in addition to 33% marks in aggregate, in order to qualify in that subject.
A-1 Top 1/8th of the passed candidates
Next 1/8th of the passed candidates
Next 1/8th of the passed candidates
Next 1/8th of the passed candidates
Next 1/8th of the passed candidates
Next 1/8th of the passed candidates
DNext 1/8th of the passed candidates 1
Next 1/8th of the passed candidates
Failed candidiates
Pass Criteria:

A candidate will be eligible to get the pass certificate of the Board, is she gets a grade higher then ‘ E ’ in all subjects of internal assessment unless she is exempted. Failing this, result of the external examination will be withheld but not for a period of more than one year.

In order to be declared as having passed the examination, a candidate shall obtain a grade higher than E(i.e ., at least 33% marks) in all the five subjects of external examination in the main or at the end of the compartmental examination. The pass marks in each subject of external examination shall be 33%. In case of subject involving practical work a candidate must obtain 33% marks in theory and 33% marks in practical separately in addition to 33% marks in aggregate in order to qualify in that subject.

No overall division / distinction / aggregate shall be awarded.

Eligibility for Compartment Examination:
A candidate failing in one of the five subjects of external examination shall be placed in compartment in that subject provided she qualifies in all the subjects of internal assessment.
Compartment Examination:
A candidate placed in compartment examination may reappear at the compartmental examination to be held in July the same year, may avail herself of second chance in March/ April and third chance in July of next year. The candidate will be declared ‘ PASS ’ provided she qualifies the compartmental subjects in which she had failed. Syllabi and Course shall be the same as applicable of the candidates of full subjects appearing at the examination in the year concerned.

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