Glendale Education


Overcoming Challenges, Together

Glendale Academy was the first to introduce Remedial Resource Room for providing special remedial education services for children with learning challenges and difficulties. Instruction is provided individually or in a small group over instructional periods three times per week.

Goals and Objectives

– All teaching activities follow the Glendale Academy International Curriculum Framework, with Special Education teachers modifying the content and style of instruction according to the student needs

– Teachers focus on remedial instruction in reading, written language, organization, math, study skills or other basic skills in need of improvement.

– Additional support in organizing long term projects, writing term papers, tests, and/or practicing newly learned skills may supplement content instruction for some students which is often referred to as academic support.

– The special educator assigned to work with the student also assumes responsibility for ensuring that all components of the student’s Individualized Education Program (IEP) are implemented and also for monitoring student progress.

Inclusion Program

Inclusion classes are regular education classes where students receive instruction based on the Glendale Academy International Curriculum Framework and there is regular consultation between general education teachers and the Special Education teacher.

Specialized Instruction

Reading instruction in the resource room is designed to meet the needs of each individual learner. Often the student benefits from a structured phonetic approach along with the development of his/her sight word vocabulary. To aid comprehension the children are taught to visualize the events in a story and to ask questions as they read along.In the resource room students receive a modified math program. They work toward the same major goals of the Everyday Math Program used in the regular classroom, but they move at a different pace and sometimes with smaller numbers. Children in the Learning Place benefit from small group instruction based on their individual needs in each subject area.

Observation of children in the class room

Educational assessments

Meeting with Parents, Remedial Therapist, and Teachers

Planning and implementation of the Individualized Education Plan

Acquiring concessions for CBSE


Occupational therapy with a sensory integration approach typically takes place in a sensory-rich environment sometimes called the “OT gym” During OT sessions, the therapist guides the child through fun activities that are subtly structured, so the child is constantly challenged but always successful.

Parent and Teacher Meeting

The Remedial Resource Room Team will meet the parents of the children with learning challenges every month over a teatime talk and also during parent teacher meeting. All parents are requested to meet the remedial consultant and cooperate with the teachers in the overall development of the child.