Par Excellence, Pan Excellence-
Our Exceptional Achievers

Sown the character, reaping the destiny

A tree’s beauty lies in its  branches, but its strength lies in its roots.
 At Glendale, we embed in children the Multiple Intelligences from  the
 beginning so that, they may grow into a tree of their own kind!
 As they branch into various disciplines,
 their fundamental learning remains indispensable as their roots.
Meet Our Exceptional Achievers who continue to excel in their own faculty of Intelligence.

“Quality is never an accident. It is always the result of  intelligent effort.” Our  Alumni have worked relentlessly towards leaving a mark of excellence wherever  they go. This excellence has translated to not just the establishment of  their once ventures but also the management of others.

Arjun Arya
‍Class X
‍Batch 2009-2010

Co-Founder of Environmentalist Foundation of India. Currently Working as Lead Engineer at Panitek Power AG, India.

Shubam Jajodia
Class X
Batch 2010-2011

Currently the owner of a Production House- Violet Hill Productions, India.

Amrit Sarang Bhagi
Class X
Batch of 2011-2012

Currently working as Network Sales Manager at Colors, India

Shubhi Goyal
Class X
Batch of 2010-2011

Currently working as Manager at ICICI Corporate Legal Group, India.

Sweta Pochiraju
Class X
Batch of 2011-2012

Currently working as Associate Legal and Compliance at Northern Arc Capital, India

Vishwambhar Anand Vaidyam
Class X
Batch of 2013-2014

Currently working as a Screenwriter, India.

Bhagavthula Vasant Siddhant
Class XII
Batch of 2013-2014

Currently the owner of Film and Media firm “Spoonfeed.” Also working as a Filmmaker (Screenwriter & Director), India.

Sharan Mehta
Class XII
Batch of 2014-2015

Currently working as Marketing Consultant at Google Ads, India.
“Quality is never an accident. It is always the result of intelligent effort.” Our Alumni have worked relentlessly towards leaving a mark of excellence wherever they go. This excellence has translated to not just the establishment of their once ventures but also the management of others.

Rachana Kimtee
Class X
Batch of 2011-2012

Currently owner of the Label- Rachana Kimtee, India.

Anushka Agarwal
Class XII
Batch of 2013-2014

Currently Owner of Artistique World, India.

Class XII
Batch of 2014-2015

Currently Working as a Sous Chef at Flame Meals Limited, New Zealand.

Pratima Vishnavi Pingali
Class XII
Batch of 2014-2015

Currently the owner of Pawparazzi- Pet Photography, India.
“Quality is never an accident. It is always the result of intelligent effort.” Our Alumni have worked relentlessly towards leaving a mark of excellence wherever they go. This excellence has translated to not just the establishment of their once ventures but also the management of others.

Akanksha Priyaraj
Class XII
Batch of 2014-2015

Founder of Ayukta- An Initiative and organization to teach kids of domestic workers. Also currently working as Senior Analyst at GET, India.
“Quality is never an accident. It is always the result of intelligent effort.” Our Alumni have worked relentlessly towards leaving a mark of excellence wherever they go. This excellence has translated to not just the establishment of their once ventures but also the management of others.

Aman Priyaraj
Class X
Batch of 2014- 2015

Pursuing Civil Engineering from Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), India.

Dhruv Ajay Ray
Class X
Batch of 2015- 2016

Pursuing Metallurgy Science from Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), India.

Jai Anand lyer
Class X
Batch of 2015- 2016

Pursuing Engineering Physics from Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), India.

Kavya Sai Kolli
Class X
Batch of 2015- 2016

Pursuing Computer Science Engineering from Indian Institute of Technology (IIT),India.

C Pranaya Reddy
Class X
Batch of 2016-2017

Pursuing Smart Manufacturing Engineering from Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), India

Pranav Ajit Nair
Class XII
Batch of 2017-2018

Pursuing B.Tech M.Tech Integrated course in Computer Science from National Institute of Technology (NIT), India

Riya Rahim Narsidani
Class X
Batch of 2014-2015

Pursuing B.Tech in Aviation Engineering from University of Waterloo, Canada.

Salman Saleem
Class XII
Batch of 2013-2014

Founder of Encasa Shield, India

Simya Zulfikar Ali Surani
Class X
Batch of 2012-2013

Currently working as Research Assistant at Vancouver General Hospital, Canada.
“Quality is never an accident. It is always the result of intelligent effort.” ‍Our Alumni have worked relentlessly towards leaving a mark of excellence wherever they go. This excellence has translated to not just the establishment of their once ventures but also the management of others.

Saurabh Sharma
Class XII
Batch of 2014-2015

Currently an International  Badminton Player, India.  
Current ranking (Men’s Doubles):  135    
Mixed Doubles: 69 (as of 7 October 2019)

Rohan Kapoor
Class XII
Batch of 2014-2015

Currently an International  Badminton Player, India.  
Current ranking (Men’s Doubles):  135  
Mixed Doubles: 79 (as of 7 October 2019)

Alluri Sri Sai Siril Verma
Class XII
Batch of 2015-2016

Currently an International  Badminton Player, India.  
Current ranking (Men’s Singles)  : 102  (as of 10 December 2019)  

Modugula Shaliyanth Reddy
Class XII
Batch of 2016-2017

Pursuing Football Training from DFI Academy, Germany.


Nikhita Simhambhatia
Class XII
Batch of 2018-2019

Member of Official Western Illinois  University Women’s Tennis Team of 2020-2021, USA.    


Ammaar Mohammed Ayub
Class X
Batch of 2014-2015

Currently Playing for Under20 Hyderabad, India.


K Ruthvik Reddy
Class X
Batch of 2011- 2012

Currently a Bollywood Actor.

“Singing isn’t about singing in tune, or great technical singing. It’s about making people believe in the story you’re telling.” It is Glendale’s firm belief that one should never let the melody cease!

Priyanka Nath
Class XII
Batch of 2015-2016

Currently a Professional Singer, India.