Who do you want to become?
Join Career_Ready – the career counseling program for 8th to 12th graders
Does career-planning leave you feeling puzzled? The possibilities seem infinite, and the pressure of decisions to be made keeps increasing. From picking a course that’s open-ended or career-specific, to choosing preferred disciplines, or deciding between a domestic or an international education – all your choices end up impacting your life for years to come. It is quite natural for you, or even for your parents, to feel a little lost confused. This is where Career_Ready by Y-Axis comes in.
Career_Ready – Helping students discover their 5 C’s to create a fulfilling life
With decades of experience helping thousands of individuals establish careers overseas, Y-Axis has deep expertise in helping individuals create successful lives and careers. Career_Ready provides young people a launchpad to set goals and create a plan for their future. Our counselors will work with both parents and children to help them understand each other, the opportunities before them, and discover the path to fulfilling their dreams.
1. Discover your 5 Cs
We’ve identified the key elements to establishing yourself in career and life – and we’ll help you apply these elements to yourself.
2. 6 steps to success
A comprehensive 6 step program that ends with a concrete goal and plan for the future.
3. Access to Y-Courses
Our Y-Courses are a library of information unlike any other. We’ve created compelling reading material which will help you understand yourself, the world and global education/career trends to make an informed decision.
4. Mentoring
Gan access to experienced guides and mentors who can help you think through your choices and make the right decisions.
Want more information on how Career_Ready can transform your ward’s future?
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