Y-Axis Overseas Job Strategy Report

Discover your options to build an international career with a personalized Strategy Report that will help you make an informed decision.

Rs. 5,000 +18% GST

Overview & Benefits

Our Strategy Report and Plan is an in-depth analysis of your professional profile, coupled with actionable insights, that allows us to create an application kit (consisting of a cover letter, an international resume and LinkedIn Profile Optimization recommendations) ready for submission and a personalized job search action plan.

Benefit 1
Personalized Career Roadmap

Receive a customized roadmap that aligns with your career goals and personal aspirations, ensuring a focused and strategic approach.

Benefit 2
Positioning as an Expert

Receive a customized roadmap that aligns with your career goals and personal aspirations, ensuring a focused and strategic approach.

Benefit 3
Get a journey duration Plan

Receive a customized roadmap that aligns with your career goals and personal aspirations, ensuring a focused and strategic approach.

Benefit 4
Expert Guidance and Support

Receive a customized roadmap that aligns with your career goals and personal aspirations, ensuring a focused and strategic approach.

Benefit 5
Optimized Job Search

Receive a customized roadmap that aligns with your career goals and personal aspirations, ensuring a focused and strategic approach.

Benefit 6
Diverse Professional Avatars

Present yourself in various professional avatars that highlight your diverse skill set and experience, increasing your appeal to different employers.

Benefit 7
Increased Confidence

With a clear and actionable plan, you will gain the confidence to pursue international opportunities with a strategic mindset.


  • Personalized Profile Analysis: A comprehensive evaluation of your resume, career objectives, and job market trends to tailor your job search strategy.
  • SWOT Analysis: Identification of your Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats, followed by a customized strategy to position you effectively in the global job market.
  • Global Employability Assessment: An evaluation of factors that enhance your global mobility and employability.
  • Resume and LinkedIn Profile Optimization: Detailed recommendations for optimizing your resume and LinkedIn profile to enhance your visibility and appeal to recruiters and employers in your target market.

How does it work?

Step 1
Initial Consultation

The process starts with an Intro Call to understand your profile, career goals, and target markets.

Step 2
Comprehensive Evaluation

Analyze your profile against country-specific criteria and job market trends.

Step 3
Report Generation

A detailed advisory report is created, outlining your strengths, areas for improvement, and tailored recommendations.

Step 4
Review Session

We walk you through the report, explaining the findings and answering any questions.

Step 5

Start executing the action plan with our continuous support and guidance.

Step 6

Regular follow-ups to ensure progress and make necessary adjustments to your strategy.


My consultant was very patient and helped me with all my documents.

- Tejeswar Rao

My consultant gave me full support. He crosschecked, and guided me with my US visa application.

- Deepti Talluri

My consultant was very patient and helped me with all my documentation.

- Srividya Biswas

Y-Axis Overseas Job Strategy Report

Rs. 5,000 +18% GST


  • Do not equate this to legal advice.
  • All recommendation is based on info you provided.
  • All advice is based on information available at that time and is bound to change.
  • More accurate information will be available only after an evaluation report.
  • We make no claim to have access to any visa office or guarantee any job or visa.
  • They are in the hands of authorities beyond our control.
  • This overrides any oral promises made by our consultant.
  • We refer and honor only the written and signed agreement between us.