Claim settlement is perhaps the most crucial service that an insurance company can offer to its customers. The customers just have to fill a claim form and contact our financial advisor and submit all relevant documents and the claim will be settled. Claims are settled within a few days from the time the form and the documents are received. Some important points, which would help you in the claims procedure, are:-

  • The loss or damage should be reported to the insurer immediately.
  • On receipt of claim intimation, the insurer will forward a claim form.
  • Submit the completed claim form along with an estimate of the loss to the insurer. It is preferable to submit an itemized estimate with separate values.
  • The insurer will arrange for inspection of the damaged items to assess the loss. In case of major losses, a specialist-licensed surveyor is deputed.
  • The insured has to provide the required documents to substantiate the extent of loss.
  • In case the cause of loss is not established, it is for the insured to prove that the loss or damage has occurred due to an insured peril.
  • On agreement of claim amount between the insured and the insurer, the claim is settled.
  • Average Clause – As per the terms and conditions of the insurance policy.
  • Excess as stated as per the Policy terms and condition will be deducted from the claim payable.